Colorado Real Estate Related Legislation
Last week, I attended a Legislative Update by Colorado attorney John Logan, Esq. The update was specifically on bills relating to commercial real estate. It was a lot of information, so I’ll summarize the top three bills that will be of the most interest to Colorado property owners:
1. SB 13-062 Require Security At No-Firearms Business. This bill subjects property owners to civil liability if they ban firearms on premises and do not provide the security required in the bill.
2. HB 13-1090 Prompt Pay Construction Contracts. This bill requires contractors to be paid within 30 days, contractors to pay subcontractors within 5 days, and caps retainage at 5%.
3. Pilot Program Property Tax Appeal for Denver. This bill changes the process for property tax appeals in Denver county.
Other bills of interest cover HOA Monitoring, RTD Parking Facilities, TOD Development Claims, and Storm Sewer. There will likely be other bills covering construction defects, landlord-tenant laws, TIFF Regulation, and EPA regulations.
If you are concerned about any of these bills, please contact your state representative.